Vue 6 Personal Learning Edition
E-on Software išleido Vue 6 (PLE) Vue 6 (PLE)
Vartotojai gali:
* Create complete projects,
* Save their work and export to other applications,
* Render stills and animations without size/length limit,
* Experience Vue’s power directly inside Max/Maya/LightWave/Cinema4D#,
* Learn at their own pace (the PLE never expires)!
#XSI version coming soon!
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pasiziurejau ta pristatomaji fimluka tai oohhoohohoo. :o
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svelniai tariant wow :o
SĖKMĖS DARBE !!! 😀Jei dingo X,Y,Z ašių rodyklės paspauskit X 😉
ITMC Mokinys 🙂
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Jums reikės prisijungti, jei norite rašyti atsakymą.