Numatomi patobulinimai Vray RC5
Build 1.50.RC5
New features:
(*) New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting;
(*) Added exporter script to the .vrscene file format supported by the standalone version of V-Ray;
(*) Animation modes for the irradiance map (added two new modes "Animation (prepass)" and "Animation (rendering)" along with a paramter to control the blend between frames.
Ir dar visokiu klaidu istaisyta ir t.t., smulkiau:
New features:
(*) New render elements: VRayMatteShadow, VRayTotalLighting, VRayRawTotalLighting;
(*) Added exporter script to the .vrscene file format supported by the standalone version of V-Ray;
(*) Animation modes for the irradiance map (added two new modes "Animation (prepass)" and "Animation (rendering)" along with a paramter to control the blend between frames.
Ir dar visokiu klaidu istaisyta ir t.t., smulkiau:
Maksimoj neperku.
0 Taškai
Mano demesi patrauke fraze "standalone version of V-Ray" - tai gal jau ruosiasi toki isleisti? Ta prasme, susimodelinai kokiam Blendery ir renderini su Vray?
Maksimoj neperku.
0 Taškai
Taip, bus 🙂 Bet kada, Vlado kukliai nutyli. Greičiausiai, kad standalone bus jau relyzas, o ne RC. Bent jau tikrai žinau, kad importo/eksporto plaginai į standalone bus XSI, Maya, Max, Rhino.
0 Taškai
Ismeginau ta RC4, tai kas man labiausiai istrigo, kad jis yra apie 15% spartesnis, nors apie greitesni renderinima nebuvau girdejes. laukiu RC5 🙂
0 Taškai
Jums reikės prisijungti, jei norite rašyti atsakymą.