3ds max padekit
Kol kompo nepersirasiau tai veike 3ds max 7 o kai persirasiau praso registruotis, nu ir uzsiregistruoju ir s.gaunas ar galit padet ka reikia padaryti kad vel leistu su 3ds max 7 dirbti.
Just be...
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Kure prasme "kompa persirasiau", gal turi galvoje perinstaliavai windausus, tai kaip tu juos perinstalevai tada, gal hardo nesuformatavai, todel liko max'so registro duomenys, ir kai tu megini ji suinstaluoti max'sas mato data kada buvo pirmine instaliacija ir taves praso ji aktivuoti. Turi tris iseitis 1. Perinstaluoti PADORIAI windausus, su pilnu disko isvalymu 2. susijieskoti internete activacijos kodo arba kitaip keigena ar keigeno generatoriu 3. susirasti creka
Dazau dangu
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Nu ar kasnors galit padet .Kai isijungiu 3ds max 7 man raso virsuje jog.
IMPORTANT! You must actiate your product before you can use it.
Error [9.1.4]
ir nekeidzia ijungti.
Run the product.
O privalau spaust
Activate the product.
na o tuomet registravimai.
Kas galit padekit ,kad leistu uzzimeti "RUN THE PRODUCT"
Kas pades labai dekingas busiu.
IMPORTANT! You must actiate your product before you can use it.
Error [9.1.4]
ir nekeidzia ijungti.
Run the product.
O privalau spaust
Activate the product.
na o tuomet registravimai.
Kas galit padekit ,kad leistu uzzimeti "RUN THE PRODUCT"
Kas pades labai dekingas busiu.
Just be...
0 Taškai
Spaudi Activate the product
Pasitikrink pasta imeciau key generatoriu, manau aiskinti nereikia ka su juo daryti
Pasitikrink pasta imeciau key generatoriu, manau aiskinti nereikia ka su juo daryti
Dazau dangu
0 Taškai
aciu uz key generator .Bet vistiek kai suvedu tus kodus man
Activate code raso
Illegal request code!
Kas blogai ar as jau kazka suknisau.
Activate code raso
Illegal request code!
Kas blogai ar as jau kazka suknisau.
Just be...
0 Taškai
Man išėjo tik pagal šitą:
First of all, it should be known that the 30 day trial application supplied by discreet.com is not appropriate and can not be cracked. If you installed the 30 day trial application (3dmax7new.exe), it has installed a request code generator on your machine. This request code generator called Autodesk will have to be de-activated and deleted from your machine before installing the proper 3Ds Max 7 program. If you do not have any present or prior installations of any discreet products on your machine, you can skip ahead to "what you will need" section...............HOW TO UN-INSTALL YOUR PREVIOUS LICENSE: Go to Start > Run and type in "services.msc", click "OK". From there, you will have to find the "Autodesk Licensing Service", right click on it, select "Properties". On the Properties page, find "Startup type" and scroll to select "Manual". Below Service status, click on "Stop", then "Apply" then "Close" and close the Services window as well. Now, go to Start and run a search for any files containing the word "autodesk", make sure to select a search on all your drives (if you have more than just one) and make sure you search all hidden folders as well. At search end, delete all files and folders that came up in the search. WARNING, AutoCad needs Autodesk to work, so you might have a problem if you have AutoCad on your machine. Reboot your machine. To make sure, go back to Start > Run > services.msc and make sure the Autodesk service is disabled. Also look for a hidden folder called Autodesk located here: C 🤔 Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk. If you still can find that folder, delete it from your machine otherwise your installation will not work. Now you can proceed to a clean install and use your keygen and please don't come back on this forum and ask for someone to give you a code, it doesn't work that way.............WHAT YOU WILL NEE
the following files are all that you need to install and crack 3Ds Max 7, I suggest you create a folder on your desktop and download everything to that folder. You will need the keygen found here: discreet.3ds.max.v7.0.by.ssg.397987.crack-locator.info WARNING, that compressed download is infected with a Trojan so make sure your anti-virus is working to disinfect the file when you open it. Just unzip the file but inside it, there will be an other zipped file called Crack, this is where the trojan is located so don't unzip that, you can just delete it and keep only the kg3dmax.exe file (that is the keygen you need) You will also need the 3D Max 7 installer file which you can find here: ftp.discreet.com This is a self-extracting file called 3dsmax7.exe If you have a file called 3dmax7new.exe that is not the proper installer and you need to delete it. And finally, you will need 3 other files from here: nct.digitalriver.com - Don't be scared of filling the application. It will not track you but you can use a fake name any way. Upon filling up the application, they will send you the proper link to the download page (it changes constantly) On that page, you will be offered to download many different files. Download every file found except the 3ds max 7 file (that is the first one on the top of the page. WARNING do not download and do not use that 3D max 7 file, it will not work properly. But you should download every other file available to you.............. INSTALLING AND CRACKING MAX7: Open the file called 3dsmax7.exe. When prompted for your serial number enter 040-11111111. When prompted, select "Activate" (do not select "Activate and Register") On the following page, you should see your serial number and a request code at the top of the page. The request code should be a 32 digit code. If it is a 28 digit code, you did not properly un-install your previous license so you need to go back to the beginning of this message and un-install your previous applications and licenses. If a 32 digit request code was generated, you can enter that code along with your serial number in the keygen to obtain your activation code. Enter that activation code in your activation window and SEND ME A THANK YOU NOTE ON THIS LIST. Your 3D Max 7 is cracked with the proper license. Now you can safely install the rest of your downloaded files. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX An other way to get all the files and the exact instructions, if you have Emule is to downoad the two following files complete with keygen, instructions and EXE files Just do an Emule search for the two following files ///// ๑۩۞۩๑ 3D MAX 7 + CRACK ๑۩۞۩๑ (full install and working keygen).rar ///// ๑۩۞۩๑ 3D MAX 7 TUTORIALS ๑۩۞۩๑ (complement to 3D Max 7 install).rar
First of all, it should be known that the 30 day trial application supplied by discreet.com is not appropriate and can not be cracked. If you installed the 30 day trial application (3dmax7new.exe), it has installed a request code generator on your machine. This request code generator called Autodesk will have to be de-activated and deleted from your machine before installing the proper 3Ds Max 7 program. If you do not have any present or prior installations of any discreet products on your machine, you can skip ahead to "what you will need" section...............HOW TO UN-INSTALL YOUR PREVIOUS LICENSE: Go to Start > Run and type in "services.msc", click "OK". From there, you will have to find the "Autodesk Licensing Service", right click on it, select "Properties". On the Properties page, find "Startup type" and scroll to select "Manual". Below Service status, click on "Stop", then "Apply" then "Close" and close the Services window as well. Now, go to Start and run a search for any files containing the word "autodesk", make sure to select a search on all your drives (if you have more than just one) and make sure you search all hidden folders as well. At search end, delete all files and folders that came up in the search. WARNING, AutoCad needs Autodesk to work, so you might have a problem if you have AutoCad on your machine. Reboot your machine. To make sure, go back to Start > Run > services.msc and make sure the Autodesk service is disabled. Also look for a hidden folder called Autodesk located here: C 🤔 Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk. If you still can find that folder, delete it from your machine otherwise your installation will not work. Now you can proceed to a clean install and use your keygen and please don't come back on this forum and ask for someone to give you a code, it doesn't work that way.............WHAT YOU WILL NEE
0 Taškai
jau susinervojau ,ismeginau visus budus kuriuos saket ir sita ilga teksta bet vistiek neveikia nu nebezinau ka bedaryt :unsure:
Just be...
0 Taškai
kas galit staigiai parasykit ar xp wind perasymas sutvarkytu situos 3ds max 7 duomenis kad veiktu .
"Ps" bet jeigu jau buvau persirases ir man nebeveikia.
"Ps" bet jeigu jau buvau persirases ir man nebeveikia.
Just be...
0 Taškai
Jei max'as labai reikalingas, isimesk 6 ir sutaupysi nervu, o skirtuma dirbant nelabai pajusi.
Maksimoj neperku.
0 Taškai
O koks tas tavo windowsu renistalas...??? formatinai ar kaip ??? manau kad per windowsa paleidai cd ir renistal... one format... ta prasme > format c drv.... Krc.... RTFM ( read the fucking manual )
0 Taškai
Jums reikės prisijungti, jei norite rašyti atsakymą.