Sveiki wisi ash chia wat su tokiu abai jau dideliu prashymu....
Gal kas galit pasakyt ish kur gaut [neskaitant emules] ar gal kas nors turite ir galetumet man padet ieshkot ar gaut wat kuo daugiau ish shito sarashiuko...
The techniques of Ryan Church volume 1: Rendering Matte Vehicles
The techniques of Ryan Church volume 1: Rendering Shiny vehicles
Concept Design 1: Vehicle Sketching
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 1: Intro to Car Design and Drawing
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 2: Digital Automotive Rendering
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 3: Integrating a Vehicle
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 4: Car Design and Presentation
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 5: Movie Prop Design and Presentation
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 1: Basic Perspective Form Drawing
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 2: How to Draw Cars
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 3: How to Draw Aircraft
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 4: How to Draw Hovercraft and Spacecraft
The techniques of Scott Robertson 😐 ndustrial Design Rendering - Bicycle
The techniques of Carlos Huante Volume 1: Creature Sketching and Design
The techniques of Carlos Huante Volume 2: Digital Creature Painting
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 1: Design Process - Fighting Robots
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 2: Robot Refinement and Rendering
Concept Design 3: Quick Sketching
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 1: Charackter Design - Fantasy Wildebeast
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 2: Digital painting - Fantasy Wildebeast
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 3: Rendering Eyes
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 4: Rendering Flesh
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 1: Anatomy of a Story
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 2: Cosmic Mermaind Charackter Design
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 3: Sea King\Space Witch Character Design
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 4: Human Character and Environment Design
Creature Design Illustration From Language Refinement with Nick Pugh
Creature and Environment Rendering Digital Rendering Techniques with Nick Pugh
Drawing the Adult Male Head with Bob Kato
Painting the Adult Male Head: Monochromatic with Bob kato
Painting the Adult Male Head: Color with Bob Kato
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 3: Hi-Tech Architecture
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 4: Low-Tech Architecture
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 5: Architectural Interior
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 3: The Fundumentals of Shot Design for Environments
Concept Design 2: Environments
Concept Design 4: Digital Painting
The techniques of Mark Goerner Volume 1: Sketching Interior Spaces
The techniques of Mark Goerner Volume 2: Rendering Interior Spaces
The techniques of James Clyne Volume 1: Environmental Sketching and Design
The techniques of James Clyne Volume 2: Rendering a Cinematic Environment
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 1: Thumbnail Sketching and Line Drawings
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 2: Value Sketching
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 3: Creating the Color Preliminary
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 4: Final Gouache Rendering
The techniques of Scott Robertson Creating Unique Environments
Creature and Environment Rndering Digital Rendering Techniques with Nick Pugh
Matte Painting
The techniques of DUSSO Volume 1: Introduction to Digital Matte Painting
The techniques of DUSSO Volume 2: Digital Matte Painting Fundamentals
The techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer, Introduction to Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop
The techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer, Advanced Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop
The techniques of Dylan Cole, Introduction to Landscape Matte Painting
The techniques of Dylan Cole, Introduction to Cityscape Matte Painting
The techniques of Dylan Cole,Advanced Digital Matte Painting
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---= 😋 agarbiai==---
Gal kas galit pasakyt ish kur gaut [neskaitant emules] ar gal kas nors turite ir galetumet man padet ieshkot ar gaut wat kuo daugiau ish shito sarashiuko...
The techniques of Ryan Church volume 1: Rendering Matte Vehicles
The techniques of Ryan Church volume 1: Rendering Shiny vehicles
Concept Design 1: Vehicle Sketching
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 1: Intro to Car Design and Drawing
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 2: Digital Automotive Rendering
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 3: Integrating a Vehicle
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 4: Car Design and Presentation
The techniques of Harald Belker volume 5: Movie Prop Design and Presentation
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 1: Basic Perspective Form Drawing
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 2: How to Draw Cars
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 3: How to Draw Aircraft
The techniques of Scott Robertson volume 4: How to Draw Hovercraft and Spacecraft
The techniques of Scott Robertson 😐 ndustrial Design Rendering - Bicycle
The techniques of Carlos Huante Volume 1: Creature Sketching and Design
The techniques of Carlos Huante Volume 2: Digital Creature Painting
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 1: Design Process - Fighting Robots
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 2: Robot Refinement and Rendering
Concept Design 3: Quick Sketching
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 1: Charackter Design - Fantasy Wildebeast
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 2: Digital painting - Fantasy Wildebeast
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 3: Rendering Eyes
The techniques of Neville Page Volume 4: Rendering Flesh
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 1: Anatomy of a Story
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 2: Cosmic Mermaind Charackter Design
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 3: Sea King\Space Witch Character Design
The techniques of Iain McCaig Volume 4: Human Character and Environment Design
Creature Design Illustration From Language Refinement with Nick Pugh
Creature and Environment Rendering Digital Rendering Techniques with Nick Pugh
Drawing the Adult Male Head with Bob Kato
Painting the Adult Male Head: Monochromatic with Bob kato
Painting the Adult Male Head: Color with Bob Kato
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 3: Hi-Tech Architecture
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 4: Low-Tech Architecture
The techniques of Ryan Church Volume 5: Architectural Interior
The techniques of Feng Zhu Volume 3: The Fundumentals of Shot Design for Environments
Concept Design 2: Environments
Concept Design 4: Digital Painting
The techniques of Mark Goerner Volume 1: Sketching Interior Spaces
The techniques of Mark Goerner Volume 2: Rendering Interior Spaces
The techniques of James Clyne Volume 1: Environmental Sketching and Design
The techniques of James Clyne Volume 2: Rendering a Cinematic Environment
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 1: Thumbnail Sketching and Line Drawings
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 2: Value Sketching
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 3: Creating the Color Preliminary
The techniques of Syd Mead Volume 4: Final Gouache Rendering
The techniques of Scott Robertson Creating Unique Environments
Creature and Environment Rndering Digital Rendering Techniques with Nick Pugh
Matte Painting
The techniques of DUSSO Volume 1: Introduction to Digital Matte Painting
The techniques of DUSSO Volume 2: Digital Matte Painting Fundamentals
The techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer, Introduction to Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop
The techniques of Christian Lorenz Scheurer, Advanced Digital Painting in Adobe Photoshop
The techniques of Dylan Cole, Introduction to Landscape Matte Painting
The techniques of Dylan Cole, Introduction to Cityscape Matte Painting
The techniques of Dylan Cole,Advanced Digital Matte Painting
Labai didelis DEKUI ish anxto jaigu kasnors ka nors ish chia turit ir sutiktumet pasidalint arba duotumet nuoroda ish kur parsisioost [for free] buchiau labai dekingas ir atsilygincgiau kaip tik galechiau..
tad jaigu kas ka tai rashykit wat chia arba y
---= 😋 agarbiai==---
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