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CES 2015 - Altec Lansing

nuo pmscreen

Pežiūrėta 4354
Data: 2016-03-10 16:27
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Highlights video:

PM Screen premiered at the international Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January, 2015. When PM Screen stepped into the biggest electronics show in the world, they provided a unique way to market Altec Lansing’s new Boom Jacket wireless speaker.
By utilizing 3D holographic displays, the company’s creative team has designed a storyline that visually displayed top features of the new speaker. For their first project in the United States, PM Screen placed the Boom Jacket speakers inside holographic displays, and surrounded them with 3D animation. The 3D animation visually displayed the capabilities of the product, as well as caused people to stop and take another look. This powerful way to showcase the product stirred up much interest and excitement from CES attendees.
Kategorija: 3D, Animacija
Komentarai (3)

Žinutės: 1132
Miestas: EIRE
Prisijungė: 2005-03-26
Kov 16, 2016
Adomolis sako:
"3D holographic displays". Teip teip. Viršuj priklijuotas ekranas ir stiklas pastatytas 45 lapsnių kampu (matosi nuoraukose) ir va tau 3d holographic display 🙂 Seni bajeriai 😋

Paskutinis redagavo: Adomolis 2016-03-16, 16:21

0 Taškai

Žinutės: 3
Miestas: Vilnius
Prisijungė: 2015-09-16
Kov 25, 2016
pmscreen sako:
Adomolis ar teko gyvai matyti? 🙂
Taip tu visiskai teisus! Cia yra vadinama Paper ghost technologija kuri atsirado 16 amziuje, tik naudojant patobulintus komponentu siuo metu galime sukurti ypac kokybiska efekta. Gaila siomis dienomis dar nera sukurtos geresnes hologramos technologijos kuria galetume naudoti savo projektuose. Taciau noriu pamineti, siomis dienomis dalyvaudami pagrindinese pasaulio technologiju parodose kaip : CES, IFA, MedPi ir pan. nustebiname ir labai daug ka maciusius 😉

Daugiau info apie sios technologijos saknis cia :

Taip pat pastoviai ieskome perspektyviu 3D/2D Artistu i musu komanda. jeigu idomu drasiai siuskite savo showreel i


Official Partner of the Future
0 Taškai

Žinutės: 1132
Miestas: EIRE
Prisijungė: 2005-03-26
Kov 29, 2016
Adomolis sako:
Teko ne tik matyti bet ir gaminti 😉
0 Taškai