softimage ir 3d max klausimelis
Tarkim su softimage facerobot padarau rig viska ten animuoju. Ar galima po to perkelt viska i 3d max?
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1. Select the mesh in Soft, Open "Plot>Cache Manager"
2. Select the "Write" tab, "Add Selection" or "Pick" geometry at the bottom
3. Select "PointCache2" as the format
4. Click "Write Cache", it should save the pc2 file in the Simulations folder of your project.
5. Export the mesh as obj, or whatever
6. Import the mesh into Max
7. Add a "Point Cache" modifier to the object
8. Load the .pc2 file using that modifier
2. Select the "Write" tab, "Add Selection" or "Pick" geometry at the bottom
3. Select "PointCache2" as the format
4. Click "Write Cache", it should save the pc2 file in the Simulations folder of your project.
5. Export the mesh as obj, or whatever
6. Import the mesh into Max
7. Add a "Point Cache" modifier to the object
8. Load the .pc2 file using that modifier
Art begins in imitation and ends in innovation.
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Ne nieko man nesigauna. Nerandu as plot. Gal zinot kokiu tutorialu?
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omega117 sako:
Ne nieko man nesigauna. Nerandu as plot. Gal zinot kokiu tutorialu?
Art begins in imitation and ends in innovation.
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Nu tai jei neikas neparašo vadinas niekas ir nežino. Mėgink naudotis google visada
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ieskojau jau todel ir klausiu yra kam taip buve ar ne...
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Čia kaip suprantu max? Tai gal affect pivot point only ir apsuk?
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Jums reikės prisijungti, jei norite rašyti atsakymą.