blink182 sako:
O kas blogai su region render? Man kaip ir viskas tvarkoje 🙂
Pvz ful imaga nurenderinu su 80 passu, ir tarkim paskui nori per-renderinti tik regiona tam tikroj vietoj. Tai logiskai pamascius uzims tuos pacius 80 passu, nurenderins tokia pacia kokybe noiso atzvilgiu, bet tie passai bus zymiai greitesni. Cia toks mano mastymas buvo ziurint i produkcini lygi.
Also another big problem, especially in production region rendering.
Lets just say the client want to change just the sofa material or something small in the scene.
I ussually re-render just a region, why should I bother re-rendering the whole image.
So I rendered a full IMAGE in 80 passes. Then i drag a region in corona buffer and that region cleans it self up in 20 passes it is supper clean. So the question now is how the hell I should know how many passes I need to put to this region. I mean if the whole image rendered in 80 passes. That region that I draw, should render at the same quality vise in 80 passes, but those passes should be a lot faster. At the moment I have no idea how many passes I need and the region is completely different noise wise.
I did not try this with MAIN MAX region, reci it will be the same. But corona buffer region and selected element render will not be the same quality as your final image. The pass count and quality will be different.
MARU - can you please tell me how I can get exactly the same quality region as my final image rendered in 80 passes?
I don't think this is possible with adaptivity enabled. You can disable adaptivity, and then you will get exactly the same quality after the same number of passes, but obviously without adaptivity, the rendering will be slower. You can disable adaptivity in devel/experimental settings:
Once again, disabling it is NOT recommended!
Alright then another way of thinking.
Theoreticly if using noise threshold instead of passes threshold.
Lets just say I set my final full image to 1 of noise threshold cap.
So if I will render that region it will stop rendering at that 1 noise threshold, correct me if I am wrong? And I shouls get exactly the same quality noise vise region and full image? Yes?
No, it does not work like that. You will get different results. For example if you have the whole image and there is a lot of contrast in it - e.g. a glowing sphere, dark background, and some flat surface like a wall, then the same noise limit will be completely different when rendering the whole image, and when rendering a part of it (e.g. a part where the glowing sphere is visible, a part where the flat surface is visible, etc.).
I can see an issue here, but currently can't think of any reliable solution other than disabling adaptivity.
KRC pzdc. Reiskias jei nori regiono identisko tavo imigui, galesi rukyti cancara. Arba sedeti ir laukti ziureti ten, kad o jau uztenka spaudziu cancel. Mano workflowe tam laiko as neturiu, siunciu ant nodo ir zinau kad tas regionas lips super ant virsaus mano seno renderio. Kalbu apie vray.
Matyt progressive veikia visiskai kitu budu. Bet produkcijoj nznau kaip tai pritaikysiu. Is pasaskos ai atrodo lyg ir panasiai - gerai bus. Lipdysiu.
Pvz su vray kai renderini animacija ir tarkim animacijoj vaziuoja automobilis arba net keli ju. Jei klientui nepatinka masinos lietnykai arba spalva. Tu neperenderini viso framo. Tu lipdai vrayfadesphere effecta su gizmo linkintu prie tackos ir renderina vray tik ta regiona su vaziuojancia masina i 16bit exr. Ir tada lipdai AE ant virsaus boom jokiu skirtumu nematyti. Tai kas butu tada ant coronos 😀 ? Nznau labai man cia keistai. Niekaip dar neperlauziu savo smegenu.
samba sako:
Ramanauskiau, eik dirbt testuotoju 🙂
Galeciau, bet vienam cia viska isbandyti neimanoma 😀 As tik viena pirma personal projektqa pabandymui padariau - ir su juo atradau buga/problemu.
Nlb malonus experiencas. Nznau ka ten kiti lipdo, freetimu. Bet produkcijoj sitas meslas nebutu atleidziamas taip lengvai. 🙂 Be viso sito meslo vistiek man corona patinka, bet dar savo klientiniam darbui neturiu drasos lipti ant jos. Just sayn. pazaisti ant projekto be atsakomybes, tai jo smagu.